I have been a big fan of Joss Stirling for a awhile now. It has beeen a sort of tradition for the last four Christmases that I receive one of her books. I got hooked on Finding Sky, when I read a excerpt in some sort of magazine, I instantly begged my parents for it and received it for Christmas possibly in 2010 or 2011. Since then Finding Sky, Stealing Phoenix and Seeking Crystal have been a part of my favorites, they have now been joined by Misty Falls. Even though the previous novels in the series have been predominately about the Benedict brothers finding their soulfinders. This fourth one could be classed as a side novel, as it is not directly linked to a Benedict brother finding love, (Even though it is in there) They are put on the back
burner for Misty's story.

Goodreads synopsis: Misty is a one-girl disaster zone. Born with a Savant ‘gift’ that means she can never tell a lie, her compulsive truth-telling gets her into trouble wherever she goes.
So when she meets Alex: gorgeous, confident, and impossibly charming, Misty instantly resolves to keep her distance … Someone so perfect could never be hers, surely?
But a dark shadow has fallen across the Savant community. A serial killer is stalking young people who have these special mental powers. Soon one of them will be taken to the edge of death … and beyond
Emma (EnglishBlonde)