Book Review : Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins

Hey my lovelies, the third book of 2015 I am going to review is …. Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins.
I read Rebel Belle in ebook format which took about 4 hours. Sadly due to this I cannot show you any pictures currently, but I have added the hardback to my amazon basket so when that arrives I shall add the pictures. It is the first time I have read one of Rachel Hawkins books, as I was turned off by the Hex Hall book covers, but I did like the cover with a knife/dagger holding a pearl necklace. But the main reasons I read it was due to it being so recommended from polandbananaBOOKs on youtube.[x]
I really liked Harper as a character as well, I enjoyed the way she tried to keep a balance on her life, trying to keep her good reputation, juggling her school work, her parents and all of her extra-curricular activities, as she is doing all of this so she can come out of her older sisters shadow, *spoiler* who died at her prom or homecoming (I can’t remember which one) in a car accident from drink driving. It has a lovely supernatural twist with a badass kickass female that you can relate with, which seems to be very hard to find in books nowadays. The ending has a small twist that leaves you gasping for the sequel Miss Mayhem (which comes out on April 7th, according to goodreads). Which I am incredibly excited for. Definitely a recommended read.
Link to post on goodreads [x].