October Wrap up

Hey my lovelies, the first thing I would like to say is I'm sorry, for the past two months surprisingly I have been very busy with college and going round different universities, so I haven't had alot of time for reading or for writing posts, which is why there have been no reviews in October and a lack of wrap ups lately, so I have decided to just collaborate it all. On the plus side though I have decided to get more organised and bought myself a bullet journal.

Now lets start of with August, my god, I have been neglecting you guys. The first book I read in August was Attachments by Rainbow Rowell, I read this on holiday and really enjoyed the cutesy friendship between the two mains. I started reading And I Darken by Kiersten White, on the plane, but I simply could not get into the book, no matter how many times I tried, so in the end I kind off felt as if I was forcing myself to finish the book. When looking at all of the reviews, considering how many people raved about the book, i came to the conclusion that the book was just not for me. The third book I read in august was The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky, The fourth book I read in August was Beautiful Broken Things by Sara Barnard. The fifth book I read in August was Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas, I expected great things from this book especially after the amazingness of Dangerous Girls. However I feel like if I had read this book pre Dangerous Girls, i would have enjoyed this a lot more, as I kind off expected the twists that happened at the end. But apart from that it was well written and I read it in about an hour and a half if that.

And in September I read five books, all of which were arcs, these include The History Major by Michael Phillip Cash (review can be found here), Tokyo Cover Girls by Jackie Amsden (Review can be found here), Choosing Happy by Samatha Harris (review can be found here) and The Shattered Seam by Kathleen Groger (review can be found here).

Now onto October, I read a grand total of 5 books, yeah not a lot considering the half term break I had off *shrugs*. Anyway, in these five books I managed to finish a series. start a series and reread an old favourite. 

The first book that I read was Avalon High by Meg Cabot, this is an old favourite of mine. And simply needs no explaining. 

The second book I read was Replica by Lauren Oliver, its no surprise hearing that as soon as a Lauren Oliver announced her latest book I pre-ordered and have only just been able to read the book. And I have to say it lived upto my expectations, not Before I Fall expectations, but certainly the Vanishing Girls expectations. However, you can find out more of my opinion on Replica in my book review on the 11th of November. 

The third book I read in October was Miss Peregrines home for peculiar children by Ransom Riggs, I LOVED this book. It was exactly how I expected it to be with the creepiness and scariness, causing me to start reading my fourth book of the month Hollow City by Ransom Riggs, the second book in the Miss Peregrines series. I thoroughly enjoyed them both, however the first was still my favourite. At the stage of writing this wrap up, I have not wrote a review for either books, however I'm debating writing a series review. Once I finish the final book. 

The fifth and final book of the month was The Beauty of Darkness by Mary E. Pearson, this is the conclusion to the acclaimed Remnant Chronicles, which if you have followed my reviews for a while, will know I love. Seriously, though if you have not already read this series. READ IT NOW. It is that good, it deserves capitals. You can find more about what I thought of it in my review here. 

This months TBR consists of 4 books, however I am not going to choosing books to specifically read, as this will *hopefully* allow me to read more without the pressure of reading certain books (which I never read anyway).

Well thats it for this (three) months, hopefully I shall have a better reading month in November. Thank you for reading, To keep more up to date with what I am reading, you can check out my TwitterGoodreads and Instagram. 