Recipe: Lactose Free Pancake

Hey my lovelies, In preparation for Shrove Tuesday or pancake day as it is other wise known. I have decided to write a  small series of posts on some of the different recipes there are for pancakes, the usual pancakes, lactose free pancakes, chocolate pancakes, blueberry pancakes and chocolate chip pancakes. The first recipe is for lactose free

You probably won’t know this, but last July I found out that I am lactose intolerant, which scuppered a lot my plans of eating chocolate and icecream over the summer. As you can imagine I was pretty much gutted. I ofcause thought my life was ruined like every 15 year old girl, (I mean no chocolate, no way!), but I quickly found out there are a lot of alternatives for people with lactose and gluten problems, which I had never even heard of before. So here is the recipe that I will be following this Shrove Tuesday:

Lactose Free Recipe: 
Amount of time taken: 10-15 minutes.
Recipe makes between 5 and 10 pancakes depending on how big your pan is.

  • A pinch of salt
  • 300ml of lactose free milk
  • 100g of plain white flower
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • Olive oil
  •  a stove
  • A measuring jug
  • Measuring scales
  • a bowl
  • a electric whisk ( you can use a normal non-electric whisk, but it will take a considerable time longer)
  • a pan

First, pour 300ml of lactose free milk into the measuring jug, then add a pinch of salt.
Next get your bowl and break two eggs into it, before you add anything else into it, check you have removed all and any egg shells that may have fallen in. Then measure out 100grams of plain white flower and put it into the bowl with the eggs. Then do the same with the jug with the milk and a pinch of salt inside.
I suggest you turn on your stove to gas mark 5. Then poor a small amount of sunflower oil onto your pan and place the pan on the stove.
Then whisk all the ingrediants in the bowl until there are no lumps left.
Then once the oil is simmering poor around ¼ to ½ of the size of the pan. Then move the pan around so the liquid fills all of the base. When the underneath of the pancake is brown or when the edges are brown, move the pan of the gasmark and flip the pancake.  Then move the pan back on the gas mark. Once the current underneath turns brown, Finally move the pan of the stove and using a spatula, place the pancake onto your plate.

The first time I made pancakes this way I thought I had done it wrong as they tasted different and were a lot more flufflier than normal pancakes, but this is correct the lactose free milk makes it fluffier.  Lactose free pancakes are a lot more healthier than normal pancakes as well due to it lacking sugar.

Some healthy toppings for the pancakes:
  • ·         Bananas
  • ·         Lemon juice

Some not so healthy toppings:
  • ·         Golden syrup
  • whipped cream (can get lactose free)
  • ·         Butter (can get lactose free)
  • ·         Chocolate (you should be able to get lacto-free chocolate buttons from all main supermarkets such as tesco, sainsburys, asda etc)
  • ·         Icecream (again can get lactose free icecream)